RTILA - RPA & Web Automation

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Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 105
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 28, 2024

First Impression of RTILA: Exceptional Efficiency and Support

After years of using AppSumo, this is the first review I write. This is my first impression of RTILA, and I don't think it will change due to all the positive experiences I've had so far. RTILA has allowed me to obtain data that was manually inaccessible due to the volume accumulated over the years and the complexity of the processes involved, all in a private and secure manner. It has also improved my team's productivity by enabling collaborators with less technical knowledge to use the standalone software. Although I still have doubts and issues to resolve, Mohamed's responses have been quick and kind, offering useful alternatives. I highly recommend RTILA to any professional looking to optimize their processes. You can watch Mohamed's live assist videos on YouTube to understand his commitment to his clients' success.

Founder Team


Jun 28, 2024

David, thank you very much for your kind and comprehensive review. We are happy to assist you and the community and together making the best out of RTILA
