Q: Are we getting plan updates?

I received an email that you now offer internal link suggestions but when I try it out, it prompts me to pay an additional $29/month to get that feature. Shouldn't this be included in the future plan updates portion of this LTD?

mdlSep 4, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 4, 2024

A: It’sa new feature for which we incur ongoing costs. To make sure we can keep our servers running, we need to charge a monthly fee for this. We added the Pro plan to make this available to our LTD customers at a lower price

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 4, 2024

Is there a trial option for this add-on?

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 12, 2024

Yeah I had the same question. Got to be honest - feels a little like “suck-them-in-and-then-change-the plan” kind of thing. Rather unfortunate - you’re sending me emails saying ”hey here’s a great feature that you can’t have unless you get a subscription.” The whole reason I buy apps at Appsumo is because there is NO SUBSCRIPTION.

Posted: Sep 15, 2024

Hey Jack, thanks for your input. Almost every feature we added in the last years has been added to the LTD. The only exception we make is when we incur recurring cost for a feature. One example is the link suggestions. We need to store a massive amount of data for that, and to keep paying our server bills, we need to charge extra for that.

We did not 'change the plan'. No feature was ever removed

Posted: Sep 15, 2024

The app you bought back then is still there, and has been greatly improved. It's important for us to run a sustainable business, we don't want to be one of those LTDs that shuts down after some time.