Trackabi Time Tracker App

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5 stars
Posted: Aug 18, 2024

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezie

I have tried several free and paid timetracking softwares. We are required to collect work time with monitoring software with screenshots. Hubstaff, Clockify, Rippling, and Jibble have all been tried and invetibly either managerment or team members would have an issue. Some time trackers would stay on (even when work was completed for example).

Trackabi is the ONLY one that is liked by both management as well as team members. There are zero issues and it is easy to set up and utilize. Stupid easy to add in new team members and for them to get up to speed with the software and the codes.

Contractors are able to submit their hours worked on assigned projects and the screenshots are collected frequently enough to statisfy our government contracts.

This just works.
