Our AI supports all languages but we haven't actually tested them. Please test them and let us know if it works well, then we can add it to the website :)
First question: Is there an option to automatically send out Voice notes? Lets pretend I am running a marketing campaign and want to produce voice notes on scale via AI and send out those ones in an automated way? Any options to do so?
Second question: What if I want to invite my whole team which consists of more than 20 People? Do I need to buy tier 4, four times?
Regarding Zapier and other APIs, we do offer custom api access, you can email me at team@vocal.email to explain what you need and we can help.
No way to generate custom voice messages at scale so far, you'd have to connect a Text-to-Audio app to Vocal and then use some marketing campaign tool. It's doable but it's work. Again, happy to help.
What plan here will be mapped to future Pro Plan features? Looks like as of December your pricing was $21/month NOT $30/mo and the description is limiting your features to "whats listed above" and not the Pro Plan... I've invested into multiple "prepaid lifetime accounts" and then since it's not mapped to a play, you roll out the new features on your roadmap and "surprise" us with needing to subscribe in order to get those new Pro plan features. Which is a choice, but I'm wondering if you've chosen to instead grant 1 code people the same features and limits of the Pro Plan.
A: You can see which features are enabled based on the # of codes on theAappsumo page. We don't really plan on rolling out another plan in the future so no worries on that front but as you can see, 1 code does not give you access to all the Pro plan features, it's progressive. But you can always be sure that with the highest plan, you'll get all the features :)
Hey guys - can you upload recorded (not live mic) audio messages, such as a prerecorded mp3 uploaded vs needing to use mic. Curious to share podcast clip snippets to subscribers, to promote full episodes. Thx
Can I use this to add to my email marketing campaigns? I have a database of 100 thousand subscribers and it might be interesting to be able to include something in a voice note
How do I see how it works? Can the person press play within the same email and listen to it there? Or does the person click and go to another page? How is the player placed within the email? Is it an embedded code?
Q: Do you support transcription in Slovenian and Croatian language? I don't see them listed on your website
Mar 4, 2025A: Hey,
Our AI supports all languages but we haven't actually tested them. Please test them and let us know if it works well, then we can add it to the website :)
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Q: API, Zapier, Make.com
First question:
Is there an option to automatically send out Voice notes? Lets pretend I am running a marketing campaign and want to produce voice notes on scale via AI and send out those ones in an automated way? Any options to do so?
Second question:
What if I want to invite my whole team which consists of more than 20 People? Do I need to buy tier 4, four times?
Feb 24, 2025A: Heya,
Regarding Zapier and other APIs, we do offer custom api access, you can email me at team@vocal.email to explain what you need and we can help.
No way to generate custom voice messages at scale so far, you'd have to connect a Text-to-Audio app to Vocal and then use some marketing campaign tool. It's doable but it's work. Again, happy to help.
Appsumo codes are limited to 20 people...
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Q: Pro Plan?
What plan here will be mapped to future Pro Plan features?
Looks like as of December your pricing was $21/month NOT $30/mo and the description is limiting your features to "whats listed above" and not the Pro Plan...
I've invested into multiple "prepaid lifetime accounts" and then since it's not mapped to a play, you roll out the new features on your roadmap and "surprise" us with needing to subscribe in order to get those new Pro plan features.
Which is a choice, but I'm wondering if you've chosen to instead grant 1 code people the same features and limits of the Pro Plan.
Feb 19, 2025A: You can see which features are enabled based on the # of codes on theAappsumo page. We don't really plan on rolling out another plan in the future so no worries on that front but as you can see, 1 code does not give you access to all the Pro plan features, it's progressive. But you can always be sure that with the highest plan, you'll get all the features :)
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Q: Upload recorded audio
Hey guys - can you upload recorded (not live mic) audio messages, such as a prerecorded mp3 uploaded vs needing to use mic. Curious to share podcast clip snippets to subscribers, to promote full episodes. Thx
Feb 19, 2025A: Yes, you can upload pre-recorded messages in the web app:)
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Q: Works for email marketing campaigns?
Can I use this to add to my email marketing campaigns? I have a database of 100 thousand subscribers and it might be interesting to be able to include something in a voice note
Feb 15, 2025A: Totally! You can paste voice messages in every emailing marketing tool!
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How do I see how it works? Can the person press play within the same email and listen to it there? Or does the person click and go to another page? How is the player placed within the email? Is it an embedded code?
Feel free to try Vocal for free to test it out :) https://vocal.email - people have to click a link that will open a page (that you can customise).