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Q: payment gateways that are integrated with local banks

In Asia, particularly Indonesia, the public is still unfamiliar with credit card payments or international methods like PayPal. The market relies more on payment gateways that are integrated with local banks, namely:
1. ZENDIT: xendit.co/id
2. MIDTRANS: midtrans.com
Let me know if you add either of these payment gateways!

seophePLUSSep 10, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024

A: Hi, we can check zendit, but we will need support from local companies or local agents. Let me know if we can talk.

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Posted: Sep 14, 2024

Yes, I agree, in Indonesia, more use local Payment Gateways. One more addition, Duitku (https://www.duitku.com). Stripe is not available in here and Paypal requires a credit card which many people do not have.

Cesar, you can check the API documentation for the payment gateway on their website. I think the documentation is quite complete because I usually integrate it with Wordpress/Woocommer