Q: Feature Request – AI Prompt Writer for WordHero
I’ve been a loyal user of WordHero since May 26, 2022, and I truly appreciate the value it brings to content creation. I wanted to ask if there are any plans to add an AI Prompt Writer feature.
This would be extremely helpful for generating optimized prompts for different use cases, ensuring users get the best AI-generated content possible. Given the rapid advancements in AI, this could be a game-changer for WordHero users.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this! Happy Customer- Michael
Thanks for the feedback! Yep we're working on such a tool. Don't hesitate to reach out in our in-app chat should you have any further questions or suggestions!
Q: Can Existing Customers Purchase and Stack Another Tier?
I purchased an LTD via AppSumo a few years ago and like your platform. Can I purchase another tier to stack onto my existing tier, please? Thank you! ~S
Hello! I'm looking for a solution for writing email nurture series. Can I use WordHero to craft a series of messages for specific products or services?
Q: WordHero Unleashed - Is It Included?as a Free Bonus Included? in the top tier ;)
WordHero Unleashed -
Would this just be a cool bonus tor the top tier....
im just trying to understand how to add to my prior purchase from 2022
cant wait to learn and use this as it still lools amazing!
cheers, have a great day!
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Q: HELLO, Back in 2022 i got sick and wasnt able to redeem my single code....now id like to get the top tier...
how do i add to my wordhero as an upgrade
is the top tier considered pro...
since i never used it i would like to start...
thanks for the clarity
Share WordHero - AI Content Writer
Q: Feature Request – AI Prompt Writer for WordHero
I’ve been a loyal user of WordHero since May 26, 2022, and I truly appreciate the value it brings to content creation. I wanted to ask if there are any plans to add an AI Prompt Writer feature.
This would be extremely helpful for generating optimized prompts for different use cases, ensuring users get the best AI-generated content possible. Given the rapid advancements in AI, this could be a game-changer for WordHero users.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this! Happy Customer- Michael
Feb 25, 2025A: Hi Michael,
Thanks for the feedback! Yep we're working on such a tool.
Don't hesitate to reach out in our in-app chat should you have any further questions or suggestions!
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Q: Can Existing Customers Purchase and Stack Another Tier?
I purchased an LTD via AppSumo a few years ago and like your platform.
Can I purchase another tier to stack onto my existing tier, please?
Thank you! ~S
Feb 25, 2025A: Hi there,
Yes you can stack into your existing tier.
After you purchase extra code/s, login to WordHero:
Then go to Billing > Stack codes
Hope this helps. If you have questions, please do use the in-app live chat! Thank you!
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Q: Email Nurture Series
Hello! I'm looking for a solution for writing email nurture series. Can I use WordHero to craft a series of messages for specific products or services?
Share WordHero - AI Content Writer
Also interested in that