Q: Hi, I have a question with the amount of responses.
When it says 3,000 responses and comments collected. What do you mean specifically?
If I do 1 survey with 10 questions. Does this count as a single answer or comment?
Or would they deduct from the 3,000 points -10 points -1 point for each response or comment from a customer? Hahaha.. I've got a little confused!
Or I ask in another way as well: In this case, how many points would remain after the 10 questions answered by the customers of those 3,000 points? 2,990 or 2,999 points?
Multimedia_TodayPLUSJan 30, 2023
Founder Team

May 15, 2024A: Hey Multimedia_Today 👌
1 answer = FULLY COMPLETED survey (not 1 step or question). The number of questions in a Survey does not matter.
Best regards
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