MetaSurvey - «Tinder-like» Surveys

Product details

Q: Regarding any new quiz-like features you might add to your survey features...

I am looking for quiz software that allows for dynamic answers on the results page.

For example, a fitness quiz.

The first question might be "what kind of exercise do you like?"

The choices might be "yoga, aerobic, weights"

I would write an amount of text unique to each answer.

On the results page, could that unique piece of text I wrote dynamically show matching the chosen answer.

For example, "yoga" is chosen for the answer. Then the yoga text that I wrote shows up on the results page, but the aerobic text and the weight text do NOT show on the results page.

Then continue this on the results page for each question and its chosen answer.

Do you currently have that?

If not, when might you have it?

username777Aug 11, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 12, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thanks for your detailed request. Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. However, it may be added in the future. Please feel free to add or vote for other feature requests on the public feedback portal:

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