MetaSurvey - Surveys, Quizzes, Forms

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Member since: Apr 2018Deals bought: 325
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Nov 1, 2024

Very Good...So Close to Being Great

I actually purchased this tool and stacked 3 Tacos...then returned it. Then purchased it again. This is how desperate I am for a good, simple, effective survey tool that I could use with audiences when I speak.

The interface is good and the surveys looks great on a mobile device. The Pabbly integration works fine and I have my survey setup to

This tool has the potential to be AMAZING, but there are some really critical, simple things that are currently missing.

1. NO FIRST/LAST NAME: There is no option for a FIRST NAME and LAST NAME question. You have to set these up as two separate questions, which feels cumbersome to users.

2. CAN'T CHANGE QUESTION NAMES: DO NOT start from a template if you plan to do any integrations. The names of the questions are hard-coded when the survey is created and you can't change the names which makes integrating through Pabbly or anywhere else confusing. Just start from scratch and name your questions correctly. You can change the question for the user but it doesn't change behind the scenes.

3. NO HIDDEN QUESTIONS or DEFAULTS: I really need to be able to have a hidden question with a default value so I can pull that through my integration. That's not an option.

4. MULTICHOICE QUESTIONS ARE REQUIRED: If you do a pick list, at least one value has to be selected. My preference would be to have the question as optional, but instead, I have to add a "no thanks" choice, which is a shame.

I'm going to keep going with this platform and hope that they make the tiny tweaks needed to make this tool a real competitor! Thanks for offering a very good tool. :)

Founder Team


Nov 2, 2024

Thank you, Julie, for your feedback! I truly appreciate your insights as they help me improve MetaSurvey.

1. First and Last Name: I’d like to know—would you prefer a single input for both? This could make things easier for respondents. What do you think are the benefits of keeping them as separate inputs?

2. Changing Question Names: You should be able to change question names after creating the survey, and these changes will reflect in Pabbly for NEW responses. If you’re experiencing any issues with this, please send me screenshots via the app chat so I can investigate and assist you further 🙌

3. Hidden Questions with Default Values: You can achieve similar functionality by using GET parameters in your survey URL, which work like hidden questions with default values. This is a quick guide:

4. I've noted it for future updates.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you!
