Microthemer Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 67 questions

Q: Is this a competitor to CSS Hero?

If so, please compare and contrast.
Thank you!

billevenPLUSJan 27, 2025
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Jan 27, 2025

A: Hey Bill, thanks for your question.

Yes, they're comparable products. Microthemer was the first visual CSS editor for WordPress and is still very actively maintained by me, the developer and founder. CSS Hero has better name recognition and is more popular among complete beginners. Microthemer on the other hand is more popular among novice and experienced developers.

In terms of features,...


Q: Advanced themer


How does this compare to advanced themes? Seems like a similar product

andrew2272PLUSJan 5, 2025
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Jan 6, 2025

A: Hey, thanks for your question.

There's a few important differences between Advanced Themer and Microthemer. Advanced themer is a UI / UX extension for the Bricks page builder. Microthemer is visual CSS editor that can be used to style any WordPress content - not just Bricks content. It's purely focused on styling content with CSS.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any...


Q: Can it style embedded forms?

The CRM I'm using doesn't provide much in the way of styling options for their forms other than straight CSS which I'm not very skilled with. Just curious if Microthemer can either style an iframe embedded form or if there's a way it can be used to develop CSS code I can use on the CRM side?

CoreyC123PLUSDec 22, 2024
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Dec 23, 2024

A: Hey Corey, thanks for your question.

Microthemer can't style iframe embedded forms unfortunately. One workaround would be to copy the HTML of the form over to a WordPress page, then copy the CSS Microthemer generates when styling the form content over to your CRM. You would need to make sure that Microthemer doesn't generate CSS selectors that reference container elements outside of the form,...


Q: Do you need wordpress for this grid designer

Do you need wordpress for this grid designer and does it produce clean optimal code. Does it do flexbox?

keviPLUSDec 15, 2024
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Dec 16, 2024

A: Hey Kevi, thanks for your questions.

1. Yes, this is a WordPress plugin, so you need a site that uses a self-hosted version of WordPress (i.e. not a site running on wordpress.com, which doesn't allow for custom plugins).

2. Yes it produces clean CSS that loads optimally. See here for a video that explains how Microthemer optimizes the way CSS assets load....


Q: Gutenberg integration: Block styles vs Microthemer styles

This looks like a very interesting plugin. I like the idea to just touch the CSS side of things and do that with a full-blown graphical CSS editor and some nice CSS inspection tools. Which brings me to my question.

I am creating all WP sites now with the Gutenberg site editor as sole page builder. How does the integration of Microthemer with Gutenberg work? Or in other words, will Microthemer create a parallel CSS structure to the one that WordPress produces?

For example: I can change the color of a heading in the block editor, which adds some css like "has-whatever-color" to the header block. And I may also change it in Microthemer. If I change it in Microthemer, will Microthemer produce the same "has-custom-color" Wordpress generated CSS or do its own thing?

dirkmsPLUSNov 4, 2024
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Nov 4, 2024

A: Hey, thanks for your question. Microthemer does create a parallel structure for the CSS. It doesn't have any awareness of Gutenberg generated CSS styles. It just generates styles based on the visual CSS options you apply or the custom CSS you add via its code editor.

One workflow could be using the global style options in Gutenberg, but use Microthemer for all other CSS changes. Another...
