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Q: Do you need wordpress for this grid designer

Do you need wordpress for this grid designer and does it produce clean optimal code. Does it do flexbox?

keviPLUSDec 15, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 16, 2024

A: Hey Kevi, thanks for your questions.

1. Yes, this is a WordPress plugin, so you need a site that uses a self-hosted version of WordPress (i.e. not a site running on wordpress.com, which doesn't allow for custom plugins).

2. Yes it produces clean CSS that loads optimally. See here for a video that explains how Microthemer optimizes the way CSS assets load.


Also, on the setup screen, ensure that global use of !important is disabled (it's the first option). That setting helps beginners make changes without having to learn about CSS specificity or consider it each time they select something. But you may wish to disable it if you prefer clean code over ease of use.

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Posted: Dec 16, 2024

Oh and yes, it does support both flexbox and CSS grid:

(these videos were recorded when the interface looked a bit different but may still be useful for reference)

- https://themeover.com/learn-flexbox/
- https://themeover.com/css-grid-controls/