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Q: Hello If we use for more Sites ist it possible to Install an make Changes.

Are the Changes away when we deinstall the Plugin to use it in another Site?

WADXPLUSMay 10, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey WADX, Thanks for your question. The single and standard (3 site) domain licenses aren't actually transferable. Those license are for installing Microthemer on 1-3 sites in total, not on a rotating basis. The reason for this actually relates to the first part of your question - changes are not lost if you uninstall Microthemer . It's a deliberate feature that you can still load its CSS assets without having the plugin installed. Some developers like to uninstall Microthemer so that clients can't make breaking style changes with it. But because of this feature, transferring licenses between domains isn't allowed.

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


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Posted: May 11, 2024

OK i understand. Now i have Tier 1. If we buy Tier 2 die have have then Tier 3 or list we refund and buy Tier 3