
Product details

Q: Is this a competitor to CSS Hero?

If so, please compare and contrast.
Thank you!

billevenPLUSJan 27, 2025
Founder Team


Jan 27, 2025

A: Hey Bill, thanks for your question.

Yes, they're comparable products. Microthemer was the first visual CSS editor for WordPress and is still very actively maintained by me, the developer and founder. CSS Hero has better name recognition and is more popular among complete beginners. Microthemer on the other hand is more popular among novice and experienced developers.

In terms of features, Microthemer has the following main advantages:

- AI assistant (currently in beta)
- CSS grid & flexbox support
- Folders for organising styles
- Shapes and masks
- Precise placement of styles on certain pages (rather than just one large global stylesheet)
- The (automatic) ability to load CSS asynchronously, so only critical "above fold" CSS affects the page speed.
- Uninstall, but keep the style changes

I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


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Posted: Mar 3, 2025

Dear Sebastian, thanks for your answer.

What do you mean by "Uninstall, but keep the style changes"? Is that possible to use it (Plan 1) on different sites, considering that it's installed on one single site at a time? I mean can I use it on different sites, if I install, do customizations and uninstall it after that and then install it on another site?

Please respond fast.

Posted: Mar 4, 2025

No, that's not possible specifically because of the feature that allows you to uninstall it but keep the style changes. Licenses are not transferable between sites. This is where Microthemer differs from most WP products - you don't need to keep it active on a domain in order to make use of it on that domain. So you would need the developer license if you plan to use it on lots of sites.