Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0

Product details

Q: This is really a nice tool to have for your email marketing campaigns.

It will definitely aid in speeding up email productivity.

The drawback for me is that I am unable to add my own template and share it with other team members. In addition, adding my branding or white labeling the dashboard would be great.

Hoping that the above features will be added in the future.

VannaPLUSOct 19, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Great idea, Vanna!

That's a super fun feature that would be fun to add in the future. Thanks for the suggestion. As always, if you need anything with Million-Dollar Email Templates 2.0 — or any of our other Originals products — you can reach us at

Hope you keep enjoying the email templates in the meantime.

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