Million Dollar Weekend

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Member since: May 2024Deals bought: 2
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5 stars
Posted: Jun 9, 2024

A Must Read for Everyone

I loved the reminder that the difference between successful and not successful people is taking massive action first and learning along the way instead of studying and preparing. In that vein, earlier today, I shared the book with a mom encouraging her daughter to go to get a 4-year degree in design school. Why not get an internship first or take on a design client while in high school?

This is the very best time to be an entrepreneur! Love the free journal/workbook that comes with the book. I had been working so hard to sell a product made by others without FIRST validating the customer need. The customer first with the 3 W’s is helping me change my approach and what I do next! Thank you for sharing the $1k Challenge! I just jumped in.

This book is genius for anyone who wants a simple, actionable and practical way to start a business without wasting time on what does not get results! Easy read and very encouraging!
