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Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 23
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Sep 10, 2024

Beyond Browsers: Seamless Bookmark Management with minimarks

I had been using Chrome for a long time, always synchronizing bookmarks across all devices. I often wondered why online bookmarks were necessary. However, when I considered alternatives to Chrome, I finally realized their importance.

That's when I discovered minimarks. It's affordable and allows access to the same bookmarks across multiple devices and browsers, which I found very convenient.

Moreover, the concept of separating bookmarks into spaces was novel to me. Previously, my private and work PCs displayed the same bookmarks, making it cumbersome to find and organize the ones I needed. By dividing bookmarks into private and work spaces, accessing the right bookmarks became much smoother.

However, I feel there is room for improvement in terms of search speed and how search results are displayed. I look forward to future enhancements.

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Sep 11, 2024

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