Q: I purchased the previous Appsumo Plus deal which allowed for stacking up to 8 codes for the agency model.
Is this the same deal?
Also how is the Strategist plan different from the Appsumo Plus plan from before?
If stacking is available, can I stack this plan on top of the one I previously purchased?

May 24, 2024A: Hi Jezette Industries,
We are not doing code stacking with this deal. Because the data indicated that we would EITHER need to choose to offer a refund window OR code stacking and the AppSumo team believed that a refund window would be more important to Sumo-Lings.

I'd love to know the answer to this :)

Specifically, can I stack 8 codes to get agency model...
I'm sorry but we are not stacking codes with this deal. When I finish the marketing text-book many of those projects will be added to the agency project portal. At that point, we plan to have an option for Sumo-Lings to upgrade their accounts.

you say "At that point, we plan to have an option for Sumo-Lings to upgrade their accounts." can you please tell me how much it will cost to upgrade, and when this will be an option. I need to implement this soon, as am putting together a package now
I can schedule time to fix the code in August & we can have the offer out by September 1st. Does that work?
In the mean time, we have this add-on which allows you to generate client reports in minutes: https://molo9.co/faq/#1620756235594-f995eb4d-0972

Verified purchaser
Hello we are almost in October, did this get added so we can get the agency plan. I would like this product but only as an agency LTD would it be worth it to me.