Q: 2 - Questions
Hello. I have been thinking about buying it for 2 months. I am testing this application. I have 2 observations.
1. The application is difficult to configure (by difficult I mean that even if you know it, you have to search and click, and you still can't find everything). My question: Will the panel be rebuilt?
2. Connecting with Google - after connecting opinions, there is always a different number of opinions in the panel than in Google. My question: What is the reason for this? (I report it to technical support).

Feb 26, 2025A: 1. I have tried very hard to make the UI/UX as user-friendly as possible. I would love to hear more about what you are struggling with. Can you write in to support? help@moregoodreviews.com or join the Discord server and DM me there.
2. This should not be true. It should pull in every review for each location synced, and there is a location filter on the reviews, or you can view all. Can you also let me know your account/project and I'll take a closer look.