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Q: 2 - Questions

Hello. I have been thinking about buying it for 2 months. I am testing this application. I have 2 observations.

1. The application is difficult to configure (by difficult I mean that even if you know it, you have to search and click, and you still can't find everything). My question: Will the panel be rebuilt?
2. Connecting with Google - after connecting opinions, there is always a different number of opinions in the panel than in Google. My question: What is the reason for this? (I report it to technical support).

Green_DragonFeb 26, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 26, 2025

A: 1. I have tried very hard to make the UI/UX as user-friendly as possible. I would love to hear more about what you are struggling with. Can you write in to support? or join the Discord server and DM me there.

2. This should not be true. It should pull in every review for each location synced, and there is a location filter on the reviews, or you can view all. Can you also let me know your account/project and I'll take a closer look.

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