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Member since: Sep 2016Deals bought: 575
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Sep 19, 2024

Really Enjoying This One

I'm really enjoying MyMemo. Yes it has some bugs (so 4 tacos for now) but the dev is on it. Email support has been super quick.

The weekly MemoCasts (3-5 minute podcasts that are automatically generated from your weekly saved content by MyMemo) are super great too imo. You'll find the MemoCasts in your weekly saves list on the MyMemo platform - a really nifty feature that takes MyMemo to the next level.

I also like the in-app custom tagging feature (It's great when I'm on the move and want to capture a note, link or Youtube video and add my own tags). Then I can search all my saved data/links/notes and find exactly what I need - Well done!


Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

Thanks for your kindly feedback!
