Q: contacts top-up temporarily

What if I buy T1 and need more than 5k contacts (of buy T3 and need more than 15k contacts) in a particular month? Can I top-up for a couple of months, and then shed extra provisioning after some time? If Yes, what cost would it be? If No, then 15k@T3 is the glass ceiling we will hit.

SumoDoPLUSSep 3, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hi There,

Thanks for your interest in Mystrika.
15k @ Tier 3 is the ceiling for our lifetime deal plan.

Unfortunately, as of today, our subscription and lifetime plans are incompatible, and they cannot be applied on top of each other.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Strange that there's no option to buy top-up on an existing LTD account. Imagine positively! It's only going to add to your revenue.