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Q: Hello!

Looks nice :)

Will this work well with graphql?

I like that you're aiming to be fast/efficient and not bloated. But are there any notable features that Insomnia and Postman have, that you are likely going to consider out of scope and won't aim to eventually include at some point in the future?

Or is the goal to reach feature parity with those services, but with better performance and less bloat?

Misty60110Jul 19, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 19, 2024

A: Hi Misty60110, GraphQL support is in the plans. I think it will appear in October, but not in the next version. πŸš€
Of course, I don’t add all the features from Postman, because this will deprive NativeRest of its simplicity and speed. For example, executable JavaScript will never appear in NativeRest. But improving the usability of work, supporting new formats, smart work with JSON, expanding the documentation on the site, releasing videos on YouTube – this is all in the plans. ✨
Also, NativeRest will always work locally without the Internet. It will never become network dependent like Postman and other alternatives.
I will not allow NativeRest to bloat, I feel very well the speed of the software.

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