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Q: What are the future goals with NativeRest?

Any further upcoming updates, compatibility fixes, etc.? Thanks!

martineliasczPLUSJul 18, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 19, 2024

A: Hi martineliascz, thanks for the question. 🤗 There really are a lot of plans. Firstly, this is support for the OpenAPI format when importing; improve autocompletion in the code; add a new authorization options; add the ability to group requests into folders. In a global perspective, NativeRest may support GraphQL and gRPC 🚀. Be sure to write if you are missing something in NativeRest.

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Posted: Jul 19, 2024

Bought Tier 3 immediately after I saw your comment. Tested it for about an hour. This is a game-changer! Really love how it takes only 1 second to load the NativeRest, the app is so faaast! Thank you so much! 🙏