Q: How Do I Get Code After Purchasing an Upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 3
I purchased last night an upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 3 by paying $89 inside the upgrade page on Neuronwriter.
But my account is still showing Tier 2 and I did not receive an Appsumo code to paste in to consummate the upgrade. I sent an email to hello@contadu.com (the email listed on my receipt for the upgrade purchase) but I'm not sure if that is your support email or just another email.

Mar 6, 2025A: Hello
Yes, it's our support email, and we already solved one issue like this.
I assume it was yours ;)
Have a great day ;)

It may not have been mine because I am not seeing any response to my support email which was sent from dkf*****@gmail.com nor has my profile been upgraded yet to Tier 3.
I found it, and you are now an owner of a Gold LTD account.
I'm so sorry about this. We are checking the Stripe connector, as it seems that some transactions do not trigger automated upgrades.
There are a few extra credits as a gift for trouble ;)
