Q: Hi 👋 I bought tier3 and I would ask for sth 🙏

We run agency. We get used to CRM, gohighlevel, others.
But in South East Asia esp in Thailand,.. people don’t use email but they use Line.
Line Official Accounts become main platform for broadcast like email. (Sms, people ignore due to scammers and criminal baits!)

We have wait for ghl to connect natively to Line but they are focusing on sth else and other market.
So, if you want to get some attention to Asia market, please consider this!

Also, please consider connecting with AI chat agents like botpress and insighto.ai.
And you will be impecable!

729361ac9781439aa6954e9361627972PLUSSep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 21, 2024

A: Hi there! Great point! We can definitely integrate Line natively as well :) We can queue this in for October

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