Q: Question on limits

Are the limits (for example for Tier 2) based per workspace or overall? And are these monthly?

For example:

Automation workflows- 25
Pipelines -15
Custom forms- 25
Products- 200
Data bins- 50
Task management- 10,000
Quotes and invoices- 10,000
Deals- 10,000

Are these per workspace (I saw you mentioned we'd get 5 workspaces with tier 2) or if we're setting up all 5 workspaces for clients, do we need to be aware of how many of these they are using?

Also, if it's the latter, can we implement limits on each workspace so that we don't go over these limits?

1376d9595b0a471a90a2f5d3b6b0c63cPLUSSep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hi there! These are not per workspace as they are tied to the license, thereby sharing across your workspaces. Currently you can't limit these per workspace as they are all tied to one license. T3 is unlimited so that would suit you if you are expecting a lot of data to be added in every workspace.

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