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    Boost website sales with AI-powered analytics, effortless A/B testing, and session recordings

    Struggling to understand and optimize your website's performance? Nlytics is here to help!

    This advanced analytics platform works with any website or e-commerce site to provide deep insights into your customer journey.

    Ever wondered what users are doing on your landing page, if a different product picture could boost sales, or why a Meta marketing campaign isn’t converting?

    Nlytics goes beyond statistics to provide the answers your business needs.


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    Analyze and visualize data effortlessly with advanced tools for real-time insights
    Simplify decision-making with intuitive dashboards and automated reporting



    With our codeless A/B testing Ngine, Nlytics gives small businesses big business power to test what works.

    Gone are the days where hiring an entire development team and analysts are needed to run A/B tests on your website.

    Our simple codeless A/B Ngine gives you the power to run tests on content (images & text) to see what works best with your customers - without writing a single line of code.

    Simply enter the URL of the page you want to test, select elements to edit them, select variants to test, and we take care of the rest.

    At load time, our Ngine decides between A or B variant of your image/text and displays it to the user - collecting insights on clicks, conversions, etc. and compiles this for you so you know what works and what doesn't.

    In testing with small business owners, we noted up to a 507% increase in click rate on some tests!

    Sessions give you a full-picture of what happens on your site - you can see what's working and what's not.

    Session recordings give you unparalleled access to understanding what's working on your website and what's not. We capture every swipe, click, drag, hover, and scroll and play it back to you in a high resolution video.

    See what's really working for your users and improve your website.

    Traditional analytics software doesn't give you the why. Why are users having trouble converting? Are they even seeing the section I added to the bottom? Are they running into issues on product pages?

    We make it easy to answer these questions. Just add one line of code to your site and you're on your way to improving your customer experience and in turn, making more money!

    Analytics dashboards give you insights into where your users are landing, and where they came from.

    Providing insights into your global reach, user acquisition, and top landing pages gives you the power to adjust your business strategy to get users on the right page.

    In-depth trends analysis allow you as a small business owner to see if your ads are getting users where you want, and in-turn will allow you to adjust plans if necessary.

    Overall, we track everything so you can focus on your business goals.

    Our comprehensive analytics platform provides real-time data insights, empowering you to make informed decisions and take immediate action.

    With Nlytics, you can seamlessly integrate and leverage your data, putting actionable insights at the forefront of your strategy.

    Codeless events track any click on your site - without having to write integration code.

    Discover the effortless efficiency of Codeless Events with Nlytics. Imagine tracking every click on your website without the need for complex integration code. With Nlytics, it's a reality. Our intuitive platform allows you to capture user interactions seamlessly, providing you with invaluable insights in real-time.

    Forget the hassle of manual coding and enjoy the simplicity of point-and-click tracking. Whether you're optimizing user experience or driving conversions, Codeless Events empower you to focus on what truly matters: growing your business.

    With precise event tracking, you can optimize your marketing strategies, reduce bounce rates, and improve conversion rates. Every click tracked is an opportunity to refine your approach, tailor your offerings, and ultimately, boost your revenue.

    Experience the future of data tracking today and watch your business thrive with Nlytics today.

    From the founders

    From our Founder

    Welcome to Nlytics!

    My name is Carlos Hernandez, and I am a small business owner just like you.

    Nlytics came about because of my small business, My fiancé and I started Equestly because of Sam's love for horseback riding. We began like many small businesses, unsure and trying new things to give the best value to our customers. Over two years, we grew Equestly from $0 to $609,000 in revenue. This success was largely due to our focus on optimizing our user's experience.

    We tried many ways to improve our website, starting with tools like Google Analytics. It showed us where users came from and where they ended up, but it wasn't enough. We wanted to truly understand our customers. So, we turned to tools like Hotjar and LuckyOrange, which showed us user sessions and answered, "What did they do on our site?"

    But it still wasn't enough. We needed a platform that not only told us what happened but also let us take action on the insights. When we couldn't find one, we decided to build it ourselves.

    Enter Nlytics

    Nlytics is the tool we always wanted. It combines the "what" and the "why" and gives us the tools big businesses use to improve customer experience and drive sales. It provides insights and the ability to act on them.

    Many business owners can't code. We built Nlytics for small businesses like ours. 90% of Equestly employees can't code, so we designed a platform anyone can use and integrate.

    Nlytics includes tools like User Session Recordings, Codeless A/B Tests, Codeless Events, and Analytics/Trends—all in one platform and all without writing any code.

    We hope this tool can be as useful to you as it has been for us.

    Warm Regards,

    Carlos Hernandez, CEO & Co-Founder

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