Q: 10 seconds?

99% and ~ 2 minutes and nothing happen, ups...

We're having trouble retrieving data from the URL you provided.
The website may have restricted automated data access. Try again with another URL or enter the data about your company manually.


alamehorSep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: It usually takes no longer than 10 seconds to train the first version of your bot by only providing a URL.
There are multiple reasons why data can't be retrieved from the URL provided:
- Your website is not live or published
- Your website is protected by Captcha or any other protection preventing bots and crawlers from accessing your website
- You have entered some placeholder URL like google.com

If your case doesn't fall under any of the above - please, reach out to support@noform.ai and we can dig deeper into your issue.

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