Notion Template Creator Dashboard Questions

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 questions

Q: Hi! Can I use it for multiple projects and brands? Thanks.

filipercostaPLUSAug 23, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 7, 2024

A: Yes you absolutely can!


Q: Hi, I paid the template and I don't see how to clic on duplicate template, could you give me more steps details.


mail.itcsiPLUSJan 30, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 7, 2024

A: When you sign into notion via web browser and open the template, there will be a Duplicate button on the top right of the template. Once you click that it will be added to your workspace.


Q: Cordial saludo.

Veo que tienes dos paginas de venta en appsumo y estoy buscando organizarme mejor en notion que es excelente pero no es facil organizar la información de manera estetica paraq mi , ni para mis clientes.

Deseo comprender la diferencia entre este producto y este otro .

Ya que deseo comprar el que me ayude ha organizarme mejor a nivel personal y como consultor en proyectos y con mi otro negocio de agencia de marketing .

luis_carlos6PLUSDec 17, 2023
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Q: Regarding this feature - "Brainstorming & Inspiration Features: Use Notion AI to never run out of ideas for your templates."

Is this feature included in your package, or do i have to be a paid notion user ($10/month) to use this?

Gordon1832PLUSMay 27, 2023
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: The course is separate, but yes I would love to be able to bring it to this community as well if appsumo approves it!
