NOYSI Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 725 questions

Q: Languages

Are you planning to add new languages? For example Turkish.

safex147PLUSSep 18, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Thanks for your question! We haven't seen a lot of demand for Turkish language support yet. In the short term, it's not something we can make happen, but we will consider it as we migrate to the new version in the future. Please keep us posted with other suggestions and needs!


Q: Can we invite other teams like Slack Connect?

As title, can we invite customers who belongs to other team in Noysi by Slack Connect-like method?
Or we need to invite 1 by 1?
And in case we can invite by Slack Connect-like method, do members invited will see channel as channel in their team or they need to change team to see the channel?

hiroyoshiPLUSSep 17, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hello,

Currently, Noysi does not have a feature like **Slack Connect** for directly inviting external teams to a shared channel. You would need to invite external team members one by one to the channels.

However, using the **Noysi API**, you can create automated processes to streamline these invitations and facilitate integration between teams. Additionally, services like **Pabbly** can help...


Q: Seven questions

I asked this over email but didn't get any answers; pasting here:
1. How do I integrate Noysi calendar into my personal Google calendar?
2. When managing tasks within a channel we can only see the person's name and image who has created the task. We would like to to see the assignee's name and assignor's name both.
3. Is there a way to have a nested task view? like, one larger task and below will be sub-tasks.
4. Can labels be channel agnostic? Currently, we have to create the same labels multiple times within different channels.
5. If we have the mobile app installed, will we be notified of upcoming tasks assigned to us?
6. App widgets for iOS and Android are good to have but not urgent. Is it planned?
7. We want to change 'Label' and 'Milestone' to 'Priority' and 'Sub Project'. How to do that?

raysaranyaPLUSSep 16, 2024
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Q: Does this have local or offline storage?

Does this have local storage for the mobile apps? Some of my team works out of cell range and I'm looking for an app that will store some data (last xx days) locally so if they are out of range they can still access and add information and have it sync later when they are back on a data connection.

TheRealMyKindsSep 9, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi! No, Noysi doesn't have local or offline storage. You can download the files on your local, of course. All data is stored in the cloud. However, calls are now stored locally on your device and can be uploaded as needed.

Best regards.


Q: can I sync calendars with the tier 1 plan or is it an exclusive feature of tier 2?

can I sync calendars with the tier 1 plan or is it an exclusive feature of tier 2? Furthermore, is the Italian language present or only English?

107313565848437318493PLUSSep 7, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi! You can sync one Google calendar and one Microsoft calendar on either the Tier 1 or Tier 2 plans. The plan you choose does not affect your ability to sync calendars. Additionally, Noysi supports both Italian and English languages.

Best regards.
