Q: Can we invite other teams like Slack Connect?

As title, can we invite customers who belongs to other team in Noysi by Slack Connect-like method?
Or we need to invite 1 by 1?
And in case we can invite by Slack Connect-like method, do members invited will see channel as channel in their team or they need to change team to see the channel?

hiroyoshiPLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hello,

Currently, Noysi does not have a feature like **Slack Connect** for directly inviting external teams to a shared channel. You would need to invite external team members one by one to the channels.

However, using the **Noysi API**, you can create automated processes to streamline these invitations and facilitate integration between teams. Additionally, services like **Pabbly** can help you automate such tasks without needing custom development【8†source】.

We are planning to release a new version in **January 2025**, which will include more options in this area, making it easier to invite members from other teams in a more efficient way.

Thank you for your question! Let us know if you have any other queries.

Best regards,
The Noysi Team

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