Q: Seven questions

I asked this over email but didn't get any answers; pasting here:
1. How do I integrate Noysi calendar into my personal Google calendar?
2. When managing tasks within a channel we can only see the person's name and image who has created the task. We would like to to see the assignee's name and assignor's name both.
3. Is there a way to have a nested task view? like, one larger task and below will be sub-tasks.
4. Can labels be channel agnostic? Currently, we have to create the same labels multiple times within different channels.
5. If we have the mobile app installed, will we be notified of upcoming tasks assigned to us?
6. App widgets for iOS and Android are good to have but not urgent. Is it planned?
7. We want to change 'Label' and 'Milestone' to 'Priority' and 'Sub Project'. How to do that?

raysaranyaPLUSSep 16, 2024
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