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Member since: Jan 2011Deals bought: 506
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Dec 3, 2023


What’s status of acquisition?

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Everything is going extremely well, and We are happy to report that Noysi is stronger than ever. Since the last week of November, we've been experiencing an unprecedented level of growth. This surge is largely due to Noysi's capability to handle hundreds of messages per second for each team, a significant edge over Slack and other competitors who limit this to one message per second. Additionally, we stand alone in offering unlimited file storage.

In light of our growing value and market demand, we're preparing for a strategic price increase. Our current offer is exceptionally competitive, but we believe it's time to gradually raise our prices to reflect the quality and capabilities of our service. This is an ideal opportunity to take advantage of our current rates before they increase, as we're on track to become a major force in the industry next year. Stay tuned for exciting times ahead with Noysi!
