
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Promote your business to high-intent prospects by tracking brand mentions and keywords on social media

    Every business owner wants people talking about their brand behind their back. (“Why you so obsessed with me? My marketing team wants to know.”)

    But tracking down those brand mentions on social media could take hours—and you’d still miss out on key conversations.

    If only there was a way to automate the process and find every opportunity to promote your business to high-intent users.

    Meet Octolens.


    Featured on FiveTaco


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    Track brand mentions and keywords across social platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Linkedin, and Reddit
    Get notified via Slack or email about AI-vetted posts that indicate high buyer intent



    Octolens is an AI social monitoring tool that helps you identify B2B leads who are ready to buy.

    24/7 social monitoring

    Octolens can automatically monitor target keywords on social media to help you gauge buyer intent among B2B prospects.

    • Track brand names, competitors, pain points, and key industry terms
    • Monitor X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Reddit, and other social platforms
    • Exclude certain keywords, accounts, or platforms

    Social monitoring

    Octolens monitors target keywords on social media and notifies you of any mentions.

    Notifications for high-quality matches

    Once the AI finds a keyword match, it’ll assess the post’s relevance and determine opportunities to promote your product.

    • Get notified via Slack or email for high-relevance posts
    • Skip notifications for low-relevance posts with generic keywords
    • Choose between weekly, daily, or hourly email notifications


    Thanks to instant notifications, you can jump on golden opportunities to promote your product.

    Leverage keyword analytics

    Using the built-in keyword analytics, you’ll be able to monitor keyword trends over time across multiple platforms.

    • Track brand mentions and post relevance for your business over time and across platforms
    • Benchmark your share of voice against competitors
    • Identify which platforms are driving the most keyword hits

    Keyword analytics

    Track keyword analytics like share of voice and high-performing traffic sources.

    Reply to posts with AI

    • Use AI to generate comments for high-relevance posts
    • Edit the comment to add your own personal flair

    Best of all, Octolens makes it easy to promote your products, boost brand awareness, and identify quality social proof.

    AI-generated comments

    Save time replying to posts with AI-generated comments.

    Octolens lets you find every social media post indicating high buyer intent, so you can swoop in to promote your business.

    Turn social mentions into sales.

    Get lifetime access to Octolens today!

    From the founders

    Update from the founders 9/17/24

    Hi Sumo-lings!

    Some of you who purchased a tier unfortunately experienced a bug where you got stuck on an empty loading page. Thank you so much for reporting your issues. We pushed a fix this morning and since then it seems that onboarding is working smoothly. You should now all be seeing a functional Octolens workspace.

    Apologies for any inconvenience caused! If you run into any other difficulties please let us know. We try to get to any issues ASAP.

    Thanks for using Octolens and your patience with this bug!


    Charlotte & Pepe

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    See what Sumo-lings are saying

    Octolens Demo: Soc
    Octolens Demo: Social Listening for B2B SaaS
    Octolens AI Powere
    Octolens AI Powered Social Listening Tool for B2B SaaS
    2 videos

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