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Member since: Nov 2019Deals bought: 170
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Sep 18, 2024

Very clever with great potential

Review Edited to 5 Tacos! This is because Charlotte has been really helpful behind the scenes and shown how by using the advanced keyword settings (ie and/or as well as exclusions) combine really well to reduce the number of mentions used - and what's better, the results are even more focused and relevant. My finger is also hovering over the tier 3 upgrade as I write, to get this price before it increases!

Original unedited review below.

I have to say Octolens works really well and the results have been very relevant and eye-opening!

The UI is nice and easy and once the initial relevancy data has been completed (your website, additional information, etc), you’re good to go. As soon as you enter a keyword you start getting results. The results themselves are very clear with AI assessment of how relevant the post is to your business and how useful your interaction might be (VERY clever!). I tried 8 results and got engagement with each one. So that’s 100% which is a pretty good score! I did cherry-pick admittedly, but I wouldn’t have seen these posts otherwise (Twitter and LinkedIn).

Some things I’d like to see improved;

One of my keywords is CRM. This a generic term as no-one posts ‘Customer Relationship Management’ questions! I am on tier 2 with 2,500 keyword results – it burned over 500 in less than 24 hrs. Now, Octolens advice is not to be too generic which I understand and is fair – however I’m not sure how I can reduce the burn – at this rate I would use my month’s allowance in 5 days (NB it is possible to buy more). I would like that you could limit the amount a keywords returned (particularly if it’s generic like CRM) – so maybe allow the user to limit the results to 50? Or the top most relevant 50? Either that or Octolens should reconsider their allowance for the early adopters.

Also would be good if once a keyword is deleted, whatever previous results you got should be kept, as I have been ‘charged’ for them out of the allowance.

For example, I deleted CRM so a) I lost all the 500 returns for that, and b) the 8 or so that I had bookmarked and engaged with were also removed when I removed the keyword.

Overall, a very useful tool, it does it well and accurately. I think it has a bright future but would be good to think through the management/processes of keywords – do that and Octolens could a very bright future indeed. A very strong 4 tacos which I will gladly upgrade to 5 if the two things I mention are addressed.

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Hi Neil, thanks a lot for your thorough review - I really appreciate it! I am glad to hear you have found the results relevant which is our main priority.

As for your improvement points, I can see where you are coming from! Here some of our reasoning as to why we have chosen the current keyword / mention set up.

CRM, as you mention, is a very broad term and it will get a lot of mentions. What you can do is at least set a few negative keywords to reduce some of the volume. And if you go into keyword settings you can define some AND or OR parameters. So you'd really cut down on the volume is you only get posts that mention CRM and AI or Hubspot for example. In our docs we go over advanced settings.

I hadn't thought about limiting the amount of mentions allowed per keyword - I think the problem there could be that we could miss really relevant posts and bring to you 50 not so interesting ones. So that's a trade off. But I will take your advice on board and talk to my team :)

We do need to delete keyword mentions when you delete a keyword because otherwise people could just add/remove keywords and use a ton of mentions. The mentions are unfortunately the cost factor of our product.

You can always buy 1000 more mentions for 5$. However we really try to accommodate for our users so if you run into issues while experimenting, please reach out and we can see if we can help!

Again thanks so much for your feedback and trying out Octolens, it really helps us!
