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Q: Interesting and Confusing! (:

Looks interesting but a bit confused with the practical uses for this.

From my understanding with the top tier, the workspace can run for 120 hours per month.

I'm a bit confused about how it would be useful to have a postgresql or rabbitmq available for 120 hours per month. I can understand from a testing perspective, but that does not seem to be the angle for this tool.

Can I schedule actions? Like for a workspace to automatically power on and perform and action, then power off e.g. once per month.

Can I upload files easily i.e. for processing?

Is there support for something like automatically stopping, until an action is triggered.

I see some things like internet banking listed as a use case, but how would that work?

I'm mostly confused about how to have ongoing automation if there is only 120 hours per month of workspace time.

Misty60110Sep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Hello,
Thank you for your interest. Let me clarify your questions one by one.

1. Workspace hour limit. When we have designed our AppSumo pricing tiers we needed to make sure that can provide pricing with a significant discount. If your scenario does not fit into any tier we have our premium Pro Plan available directly on our web-site. This plan does not have any hourly limits.

2. Use of workspaces such as PostgreSQL/RabbitMQ and their automation. Yes, the primary intent is to use them during development and testing phases of SDLC. If you need to run them for production workloads and/or in more controlled/automated mode I can think of a couple of options:
2.1.) run them on-demand, just like you suggested, by implementing workflows/actions that would start up such workspaces, use them, and then stop them when no longer needed. If you require, with the persistent storage option these workspaces will not lose any data while they are down.
2.2.) If you need these workspaces with availability closer to 24x7 you can just launch them and be constantly available. One of the benefits that comes out of the box from our platform is that you can deploy such workspaces in closer to true production mode and that is have high availability, proper backups, scalability, and load-balancing.

Either option is feasible and am happy to discuss it in greater details with you as it pertains to the spefics of your use case.

3. Upload data/files for processing. Yes, each workspace is bundled with a file manager that has an API that can be used to automate the uploads.

4. Internet banking. Are you referring to the question about running trading solutions such as MetaTrader? I am not a trader but from what I've seen on the Interenet there are at least two scenarios where running such a tool in a workspace can be beneficial. First, tools like MetaTrader require quite a bit of setup and configuration that is operating system specific. Getting the tool out of the box fully configured and ready to go minimizes this problem. Second, more advanced traders use the tool with their own scripts and/or might require an option to scale up - something you may not easily get done on your local desktop. Either scenario, you can either automate (based on your triggers) when you need the tool up and running or use one of our options where you can set an idle timer for the workspace to automatically stop after it is no longer actively used.

Hope it helps. Thanks.

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