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im very confuse because I read only 5gb of storage and this is really poor to manage many videos inside the platform, there's an option to resolve this ??? (for me can be a problem)

andrea328Sep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Thank you for reaching out, this deal is equivalent to the Pro plan, but with a 5GB limit stackable, meaning you can add more coupons to get 5GB more storage. If you need more storage, as well as other features of the platform you can always consider an upgrade to the Unlimited plan.
You have available a large discount inside the dashboard, by clicking on the Upgrade button.
The 5G go a long way though, because they are counted after upload and optimization. You could upload a 500 MB video and its gets processed to 80 MB, that is not uncommon depending on your export settings.

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