Q: Which subdomain?
Today I bought 3 codes for the 3 websites I have, but I can only choose one subdomain. I want to use a few pages on each of the 3 website to run my courses. I am not planning to buy a new domain, so what is wise? My website is for example www.pilateszoetermeer.nl. Can I use that as a subdomain for all my courses? For example courses.pilateszoetermeer.nl?
LeintjePLUSJan 28, 2025
Founder Team
Jan 29, 2025A: Yes you can use courses.pilateszoetermeer.nl in one of your codes, and let's say courses2.pilateszoetermeer.nl on another code and courses3.pilateszoetermeer.nl on the third code. Each code has it's own custom domain and domain.
You can also stack all codes on the same subdomain and get 15GB instead of 5GB.