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Member since: May 2021Deals bought: 20
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 28, 2024

I LOVE this platform

I needed an online course platform to manage a group of young learners who were doing paid work placements and it's excellent. I really love how quick and easy it is to build course content out and the assignments lets me track everyone's progress.

Only thing I'd like to see at some point is instant messaging with the learners? This would be helpful. The community also doesn't seem to notify anyone of new messages etc. but other than these tiny things, it's really good!

Founder Team


Aug 29, 2024

Thank you for the awesome review and for the feedback, please notice that the community has a notifications system and email system, where when a new message is sent from one user to another they see a notification on their messages counter, plus they receive an email.

Instant messages is something we would like to add in the future to the platform as well.
