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Member since: Jul 2016Deals bought: 52
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Very helpful support + multiple language

Very helpful support! Imagine my hassle: I created and uploaded 2 courses, 20+10 videos in total. Then I accidentally refunded the wrong code on Appsumo!?!? BANG! I thought all hope was lost, all my efforts were wasted! Then, I reached out to support, activated another code and BOOM problem solved! The courses were just in DRAFT! So if you get lost, just ask their support. It's not that fast, but very kind and useful! (thanks Abisola!)

I had the same struggle someone mentioned about my rare language. I thought it was only English, but after asking, it's clearer: SITE's language and COURSE language are not the same. I can change both, correct? Please clarify for all of us Sumolings!

Also, I'm just testing the PDF feature you mentioned,
And the drip email feature,
also use it under my own domain,
so _short_ tutorial howto videos would be great!

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Thank you so much for the review, you can choose one language for the whole website. If you have any difficulties, the support team will gladly help you. Please enjoy the platform.
