Q: 1.
Can I use this for multiple independent apps GSheets?
2. Would I be able to change a subscription instead of one-time fee?
3. Can I prevent download/copy of the file? Like I give access to a dashboard as a subscription, but don’t want to allow copy or download of it.
4. Would I be able to modify the scrip code? I am wondering how difficult would it be for me to add other payment processors as Paddle or Lemon Squeezy.
5. Do you think I would be able to integrate this with a web app generated with frontly (another AS offer)?

May 15, 2024A: Yes you can use OnlySheets with any number of sheets you want to sell or give away. You can also use it for multiple gdrives, one copy of onlysheets for each gdrive. The OnlySheets you use, needs to be the same owner as the Drive you use (so that you have admin ability to give access).
You can charge a subscription yes, the payment method does not matter. Once a customer pays, the OnlySheets adds the customer's email to the sheet access and sends an email.
You can prevent download/copy directly in a google sheet itself. In share settings uncheck that they have the ability to copy/download. OnlySheets does not provide this functionality because it's already in your Google Sheets.
Yes you can modify the script code as you wish. You can add more payment processors if they use Webhooks. Once you buy look at how Zapier is integrated or Stripe, and then let me know if you can't figure it out. Email me anytime and I'm happy to help with Paddle or Lemon Squeezy as long as they have webhooks available. Gumroad uses Gumroad Ping and is fairly straight forward. I give you videos on all of the payment processors Gumroad, Stripe, Zapier.