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Member since: Apr 2019Deals bought: 251
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jun 12, 2024

A deal worth getting. (with room for improvement)

I'm torn with this deal...

On one hand I really like the concept and the easy way you get decent results.
I do think that there's room for improvement, for example a bigger field for the prompt would be useful, because you just get a couple of lines, and it is difficult to see or edit what you typed.
(you get better and more customized results by being more specific with your request)

I tested with English and Spanish requests, and I got good results with both, but I think a better request (prompt) field and more customization options would greatly improve the results and the user experience.

On the other hand, I'm not so sure about the deal.
I think the price is right, and as i mentioned you get good results but even getting Tier 2 you just get the basic course lengths (Basic, short and moderate), and get excluded from "Comprehensive" and "In Depth"
I get it, this is a LTD but at least with the second Tier you should have access to the "Comprehensive" length that's even offered in the free trial.
Then you have the "Company-wide" issue, that is not too clear, so as I understand it is only distributable within your company websites, and I guess that's fine but not clear.

And finally their logo in the menu is huge!
I get it, the logo removal is not included in the deal, but at least make it less intrusive with a smaller png or a simple text link.

To wrap this up, I think it is a good product, and the material you'll get is worth the investment, so I do recommend getting it, and in my opinion you should go for Tier 2.

But I really wish the founder considers adding the "comprehensive" option for Tier 2 and modifying the field for the "Learning Objectives"

Founder Team


Jun 13, 2024

Many thanks for your well considered review. We will look at ways of expanding the text box visually; the box is fairly limitless however with regard to characters and you can save prompts as a document and upload that way if needed as a temp solution.
Regarding limitations, I am afraid it is a matter of money. Open eLMS costs us money on Open AI fees every time a course is generated. This is why it is sold in more liberated packages out of the App Sumo environment on a monthly basis. The cost of a moderate course is $2.80 and a comprehensive course can be as high as $7. You can see that it is not economically viable to offer larger courses when Open eLMS is sold on one off cost basis as it is on App Sumo and we are treating these App Sumo sales as a limited promotion rather than a long term sales strategy.
We are reviewing the enterprise version restrictions and will be removing logos and other restrictions soon but this is outside the App Sumo Universe. If we can resolve the variable cost issue then we can offer larger courses, but in the meantime my advice would be to split your course into topics and generate them one at a time and to use the [Expand] option which will give your courses greater depth and insight on each topic. Do explore the edit functionality and try adding interactions, videos etc. The editor has been developed since 2007 and there is a lot you can do with it to extend each course. Good luck creating your elearning and thanks again for the feedback!
