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Member since: Aug 2022Deals bought: 184
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 23, 2024

The best PDF 2 Course Generator I´ve seen so far.

The support is fast and helpfull. Easy to use and with exellent results. But the limitations are the parts I don´t like. I unterstand that a lifetime deal comes with a kind of limitations and I agree with it. I wish that I could buy more Credits to finish my courses. Unfortunately there´s no LTD with the possibility to upgrade the credits. The only way is the Enterprise Subscription with a high monthly fee, even limited. Probably I come back later. Good luck guys. Keep on rockin´

Founder Team


Jul 30, 2024

Thanks Delb for your feedback.

We really want to give away more, but course generation does cost us, so in order to not loose too much we do need to set these limitations. We are listening however and as Open AI prices go down, we will continue to relax restrictions on the tier 1 and tier 2 levels.
