
Product details
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Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 140
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Mar 17, 2023


Software is exactly what I needed! I just needed to make a "OrderForm" lol to sell a specific shirt design for a fundraiser!

I was able to create a sharp simple looking form for my customers!
Send my customer a custom successful submission page, with the option to redirect, nice.

simple Platform to use.

kind of a complicated editor. learning curve, a little. but from that you can make some PRETTY cool looking stuff!

I had SLIGHT issue with something UI wise, and it was addressed super fast.

Just buying this Deal, and using it for ONE SINGLE shirt design mad it ABSOLUTLEY worth it, hands down a keep forever software.

And there is the ability to put a video on the form! awesome!
Make some sharp looking stuff.

also the ability to send someone a quick payment link.

An Ideal piece of software for almost anyone, at some point.

Get it.


I will be using this A LOT!
