Outscraper: Google Search Results Scraper

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Member since: Sep 2019Deals bought: 20
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5 stars
Posted: Dec 2, 2022

Easily pulled 100 results (10 pages) and more...

I see a lot of chatter about not being able to pull more than 30 results...

...maybe it was a bug they fixed, but I was able to pull 10 pages of SERPs results on the first try. 2-3 minute process total.

That's 100 organic records + 38 ads.

It pulls the URL, page title & meta description. Very fast.

Very handy.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


Thanks for your feedback. You can scrape search results from 30 pages.

We are happy that Outscraper worked great for you.

Have a great day 😊
