Outscraper: Google Search Results Scraper

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Member since: Apr 2024Deals bought: 1
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1 stars
Posted: Aug 14, 2024

So disappointed...

This service WAS absolutely amazing, but something has happened in the past couple of weeks where it is now adding rows and rows of null data per google search (and then charging for it!). I loved this service so much that I signed up for multiple accounts via this appsumo deal (five!), but now with this non-existent "data" added to each search, my task cost has increased 20X. What used to be a $2 task is now suddenly $40 - completely identical list of search parameters and roughly the same actual number of page links returned per task (sometimes even less). When this issue started, I had several tasks queued up on two of my five accounts, so it ran up large invoices over the recurring $30/month credits (even though they should have easily fallen well within the $30 monthly credit window if billed correctly). I immediately stopped using the service and contacted them to let them know something was wrong. After initially saying they'd "look into it", they haven't yet addressed the issue (to my knowledge) or cancelled my invoices caused by their issue, and worse, have now completely stopped even responding to their support chat window and are also not responding to emails sent to their support address. I do hope they fix it, but as of now, sadly, this service is completely unusable.

Founder Team


Aug 27, 2024


Sorry for the inconvenience.
Google Maps Scraper extracts the data the same way it's placed on Google Maps by your queries (categories and locations combined) and applies the selected filters. I would recommend checking [the article](https://outscraper.com/google-maps-data-scraper-filters/) about filters and rechecking your task filters.

Thank you.
