Q: I WANT TO BUY...however
Is anyone at the company actually monitoring this appsumo deal? It appears nobody is responding. I have questions that need answering.
1. What company is offering this software?
2. What is the native country?
3. Are logs generated when a person sends an encrypted message? Are those logs encrypted or in plain text?

Feb 7, 2025A: Hi Edward, of course we are monitoring it. Anwers to your questions:
1) Company name is in our Terms of Service which can be found here: https://password.link/en/p/tos
2) Native Country is Germany and can be found in the Legal notice
3) Yes logs are generated and can be enabled for every action a user does. Logs are not encrypted in general, but can be done of course

I love this service but as an ethical hacker, having unencrypted logs puts potential clients at risk who use the service. If the identities of journalists are uncovered they can be targeted by threat actors. I am strongly leaning towards buying this deal. I am just trying to ensure this backdoor can be patched.