
    Robust employee engagement and performance management for remote teams

    Disclaimer: The PeopleBox lifetime offer has ended. However, you can still get yearly access to the Performance + Engagement Plan for the discounted and locked price of $99 (retail value: $600). You'll be able to renew every year on PeopleBox's website at $99. 

    Working remotely isn’t all sweatpants and sleeping in, though both of those things are a big plus (good riddance, 2-hour commute!).

    Losing daily face-to-face interaction means less feedback and more dysfunction for remote teams the longer they’re apart.

    But there's a way to maintain your positive office culture while increasing employee engagement and performance across the board.

    Meet Peoplebox.


    too long didn't read
    Run engagement surveys to understand team feedback and challenges, plus easily build OKRs to measure outcomes
    Alternative to: 15Five
    Use a collaborative editor, continuous performance and productivity check-ins, and action items for great 1:1s



    Peoplebox is a tool that tracks remote employee performance and engagement, helps you build OKRs, and supports more productive 1:1s.

    Let’s start with the dashboard, which lines up metrics that matter and provides an overview of Employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS), Manager Scores, and Drivers.

    Advanced analytics and segmentation give you insight on exactly what needs to be improved, so you can focus on managerial development and rewarding great work.

    It’s all right there for your convenience.

    The dashboard gives you an overview of useful insights, combined with powerful segmentation.

    All that awesome dashboard info is built on honest feedback, too.

    Peoplebox lets you run anonymous engagement surveys focused on remote teams, so you’ll always have up-to-date information.

    Plus, speak with your team through anonymous messaging to get to the root of any problems without compromising the integrity of responses.

    For sensitive subjects, it’s an even better alternative to face-to-face meetings (if you’re the one person who likes pineapple on pizza, your secret is safe).

    Provide feedback through anonymous surveys and messaging for honest evaluations.

    Get ready for way more productive 1:1s with Peoplebox.

    First, you can sync with your Google or Outlook calendar. That way, you’re not scrambling to get something together five minutes after the meeting was supposed to start (#whoops).

    Plus, Peoplebox integrates with Slack, so you can keep track of your meetings without leaving your chats!

    Peoplebox’s Slack integration sends reminders about your 1:1s, so you never miss a beat!

    The Peoplebox platform lets you view all of your previous 1:1s with a single scroll and start the meeting with the previous week’s action items.

    Plus, get suggested talking points for both manager and employee.

    Peoplebox even allows you to peek at an employee’s productivity to see where potential hang ups might be.

    Power-up your 1:1s with suggested talking points and quick views of all your previous meetings.

    Remote teams tend to focus more on output than time management, since you don’t need to be in an office for a set time to get your work done.

    That’s why Peoplebox lets you build Objectives and Key Results ("OKRs") to effectively set goals and measure outcomes.

    Track your team’s progress through easy-to-read percentage bars for a comprehensive outlook on projects that keeps the team updated on goal performance.

    You might find employees much more productive when they’re not fighting the morning traffic just to get to their desks.

    Easily build and track OKRs to stay productive while working remotely!

    Remote work has its own set of challenges, like finding reasons not to eat ice cream at 10 AM (I don’t play by the rules of “breakfast”). 

    Your team needs special attention to match their new environment, and getting clear, honest feedback while staying on task is a tall order.

    Peoplebox keeps everyone on the ball, merging feedback, messaging, analytics, productivity features, and managerial tools in perfect harmony.

    Get one year of access to Peoplebox today!

    P.S. Learn how to use Peoplebox like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!


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