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Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 1
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 22, 2024

First impressions – promising

I'm still figuring out how this AI handles my LinkedIn communications, but I’ve got to say, it’s pretty impressive. It can even manage objections and set up meetings while I’m off doing other things — how cool is that?

My first impressions are super promising. It feels like this might be the first tool that uses AI to communicate almost like a real human, which is both awesome and a little bit scary! I think this is a big leap forward in AI, and we’ll probably see more products like this popping up soon.

If you’re curious, I’d say give it a try — you might be surprised by what it can do!

Founder Team


Sep 4, 2024

Thanks for sharing your first impressions! We're so glad to hear that you’re finding the AI both impressive and helpful — it’s awesome that it’s managing objections and setting up meetings while you're off doing other things! 😊

We know the AI can feel a bit like science fiction at times, but we're focused on making it a valuable assistant that really feels like a human behind the messages. It's exciting to hear that you're getting great results, and we’re continuously working to improve it even more.

If you ever have any questions or need help while you’re figuring things out, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks again for giving it a try!
