Q: Roadmap?
Hi, is there a roadmap I can see?

Feb 7, 2025A: No official road map. But tasks coming up next are:
1. Server optimization for image generation
2. CSV import improvements (board specification)
3. Creation of pin validation system for AutoPins
4. Localization into French and German

Verified purchaser
Thanks! Any plans to improve the pin design and scheduling functionalities?
Been using Pin Generator for a while now and these are still very buggy and limited. Would love to see some improvements on this front.
Yes, there are plans for the following:
- Template builder QOL updates
- Scheduling calendar view and drag and drop

Verified purchaser
That's great news, I'm looking forward to the calendar view & drag&drop! When can I expect it?
Would it be possible to add some sorting to the saved templates or an option to create folders? With multiple accounts with different templates it can get quite messy.
I'd also love a copy&paste feature for specific elements in the generate tab to be able to copy a block from one pin to the other.
It's difficult to give an exact date as the current items in the pipeline are tough to estimate out, but probably within the next 2-3 months.
With regards to templates, I have had this request from a few people and I will put it onto the Feature Request List. For other Feature Requests you can vote or add a Feature Request here: https://insigh.to/b/pin-generator