Q: Just purchased and cannot redeem.

followed instruction and it takes to contact us page NOT account creation page

Please help

we have sent email with details via your contact us forum

sumolingwarriorFeb 16, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello and thanks for purchasing Pine BI! In order to redeem the AppSumo code, you need to send it to us either via e-mail or through the contact form on our website. Then, after verification, we'll send the Order Summary e-mail containing the download link and serial number for activation. Please note that we do not have an automatic fulfilment process with AppSumo, so it might take up to 24 hours before receiving the details.

We just sent the details as a response to your e-mail. For any further questions you might have, please contact us directly on contact@pinexl.com.

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